Grab The Thing Remastered v1.1 Update-SKIDROW Full Version

Grab The Thing Remastered v1.1 Update-SKIDROW Full Version

Grab The Thing Remastered v1.1 Update-SKIDROW Full Version

No One Survives Alone.

The 2002 third-person survival horror shooter that serves as a sequel to the genre-defining 1982 film is back, remastered by Nightdive Studios to bring this innovative blend of fast paced squad action meets survival horror to the modern era. Including Antialiasing, Per Pixel Lighting, 4K Resolution and up to 144 FPS.

Where the movie ended, the true terror begins.

You are Cpt J.F. Blake, leader of a U.S. Special Forces rescue team sent to investigate the blood-curdling events and enigmatic deaths of the American scientific team that transpired at the Outpost 31 research facility located in the frozen wastelands of Antarctica. Within these inhospitable surroundings your team encounters a strange shape-shifting alien life-form that assumes the appearance of people that it kills. Trapped by the elements and infected by this horrific entity, using all your team members is critical if you hope to accomplish your objectives, let alone survive. If you only knew which ones were still human…

The Thing: Remastered Key Features:

  • In 20 frightening levels, lead your team against terrifying monsters, from the scuttling head-spiders and human-like walkers to gigantic multi-tentacled beasts.

  • Advanced trust/fear interface adds a new level of interaction – How you influence your teams psychological state determines whether or not they will co-operate with you.

  • Experience brand new dynamic lighting, specular mapping, shadows, depth of field complemented by improved models, textures and environments to create a deep level of immersion.

  • Use awesome firepower like machine guns, explosives and flamethrowers to torch your enemies.

  • Brand new Achievements.

  • Quality of Life gameplay enhancements to improve your experience.

  • Choose multiple paths to solve problems that lie ahead and accomplish goals.


The Thing Remastered v1.1 Update-SKIDROW


Additional Notes ↓ :


Are needed to install this release,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

If you cant see the links press CTRL+F5


  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 10 (64-Bit Required)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-3570 @ 3.4GHz or AMD Ryzen 3 1300X @ 3.5GHz or better
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 TI (2GB) or AMD HD 7750 (1GB) or better
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 5 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card or onboard sound


  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 10 (64-Bit Required)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-6600k @ 3.5 GHz or AMD Ryzen 5 1600 @ 3.2 GHz or better
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB) or AMD RX Vega 56 (8GB) or better
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 5 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card or onboard sound


English*, French*, Italian*, German*, Spanish – Spain*
*languages with full audio support

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    ▀                          S  K  I  D  R  O  W                     ▄■▀   ▄
░░░    ▄                       .the leading force.                    ̦    ▀▓▀
▒▒▒    ̦                                                              ▀▄  ▄  ▄
▓▓▓   ▄▀                        proudly presents                         ▀■▄▀▓▄
██▀                     The Thing Remastered v1.1 Update                   Ì███
███¦               (c) Nightdive Studios, Computer Artworks                 ███
███▀                                                                        ███
███    11-03-2025......Release Date  Protection.................Steam    ▓██
███    Action...........Game Type  Disk(s)........................DOX    ▒██
███                                                                         ░▀█
██▀▄                                                                        ▄▓▀
▀██¦                                                                    ▄ ■▀░
   ▀ ▄ RELEASE NOTES      ▀▓▀    ▄▄▄█▀▀▀▀     ░   ▄▄▓▀▀▀  ▄▄ ▀▀▀    ░ ▀    ▄
 ▄▄█▀                      ▄■ ▀▀              ▄ ▀     ▄▓▄                   ██▄
███¦                   ■▀                              ▀ ▄                  ███
███                                                                         ███
███ Read changelog.txt for information on the updated content!              ███
███                                                                         ███
███ Additional Notes ↓ :                                                       ███
███                                                                         ███
███ The.Thing.Remastered-SKIDROW                                            ███
███                                                                         ███
███ Are needed to install this release                                      ███
███                                                                         ███
███                                                                         ███
███                                                                     ▄▄▄██▀█
███  ▄▄ ▀                                                         ▄▄▄█▀█▄▓█▀███
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   ▀ ▄ INSTALL NOTES      ▀▓▀    ▄▄▄█▀▀▀▀     ░   ▄▄▓▀▀▀  ▄▄ ▀▀▀    ░ ▀    ▄
 ▄▄█▀                      ▄■ ▀▀              ▄ ▀     ▄▓▄                   ██▄
███¦                   ■▀                              ▀ ▄                  ███
███                                                                         ███
███ 1. Unpack the release                                                   ███
███ 2. Run The.Thing.Remastered.v1.1.Update.exe                             ███
███ 3. Copy crack form SKIDROW folder and into main game folder             ███
███ 4. Block the game in your firewall and mark our cracked content as      ███
███    secure/trusted in your antivirus program                             ███
███ 5. Remember to run game with admin rights - especially on drive C:      ███
███ 6. Play the game                                                        ███
███ 7. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!            ███
███                                                                     ▄▄▄██▀█
███  ▄▄ ▀                                                         ▄▄▄█▀█▄▓█▀███
██▄█▀ ▄ ■ ▀                                               ▄▄▄▄█▀▀▀▀▄▄██▀▀ ▄██▀█
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▀██¦                       ▄            ▄▄▄▄▄▓▓▀▀▀▀ ░  ▄▄▄█▀▀▀  ▄▄▄▓▓▀▀ ▄▄▀▀░
   ▀ ▄ GREETINGS          ▀▓▀    ▄▄▄█▀▀▀▀     ░   ▄▄▓▀▀▀  ▄▄ ▀▀▀    ░ ▀    ▄
 ▄▄█▀                      ▄■ ▀▀              ▄ ▀     ▄▓▄                   ██▄
███¦                   ■▀                              ▀ ▄                  ███
███                                                                         ███
███ To all friends of the family and honorable rival groups!                ███
███                                                                         ▓██
███                                                                         ▒██
███                                        ▀▄▄▄                             ░▀█
██▀▄                                        Ì██▓░                           ▄▓▀
███¦         ▄▄▀                           ▄██▓░                        ▄ ■▀░
████▀▄▄▄▄█▓▓▀▀   ▄▄▄▀         ▄       ▄▄▄███▀▀                               ██
██████▀▀█▄▄▄▄███▓▀▀      ▄▄▄▓▀ ▄▄▄████▓▓▀▀                          ▄■      ███
███▀▄████████▀██▄▄▄▄▓▓▓██▀█████████▀▀  ░                 ▄     ▄   ̦       ▓██
████████▀█▄███████████▀█████████▀   ascii art by the      █▄▄    ▄  ▀▄      ▒██
▀▀▓▓███¦Ì████████████¦Ì████████¦   godlike & terrific duo  ▓▓██▄▄▄ ■▄ ▀ ▄   ░██
  ░  ▀▀▀▄████▄█▀██████▄█▀███████▄      malodix + irokos     ░██████▓▓▀█▄▄▄▀■▄██
          ▀▄ ▀▀█  ▀▀██████▄▀▀▓▓███▄     titan artdivision    ▀████████████▓▓▄▄█
                ▀    ▀█████¦    ▀▀▀▓░                          ▀███████▄███████
                      Ì█▓▓▀          ▀                            ▀▀▓▓███▄▀████
                     ▄█▀▀                                            ░▀███¦ ▀▀█
                   ▀                                                   Ì█▀


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  COMPATIBLE UPDATES LIST FOR – The Thing Remastered –

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